Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

This is me...a writer of dreamers, lovers, and star voyagers...

Dreamers...lovers...and Star Voyagers

I am Teresa, aka T K Cypherbuss aka Willow.  I am a writer.
Having been born into a litter, the 7th of 8 children, in a farming family, I have spent most of my life trying to be an individual. My dreams took me there.

From the time that I was a little girl, I was a thinker, spending any time I could find to be alone--the bastion of undisturbed thoughts, dreaming of other worlds and of fairy-tale love. My mind never shut off-- through the years when thoughts allowed me to escape the everyday world of farm life, to the daydreams while I was raising children and being the cook, the baker, the candlestick maker,and the taxi driver-- all while working full time.

It took until middle age for me to realize that my meandering mind was writing stories!

Once I sat down and started typing, it took 2 months to write my first novel, ACROSS THE NIGHT SKY. My biggest challenge at first was to have my fingers move on the keyboard fast enough to keep up with my mind. My daughter bought me a small digital recorder so I could save my thoughts until my fingers could catch up.  

Though written relatively fast, Across The Night Sky was years in the making-- and timed well...after I had experienced real life and all the joys and heartaches that it brings. I think that time gave me a well-spring of experiences from which to merge fairy-tale love with the cynicism that adult life creates--while never losing sight of the beautiful and wonderful that love is. 
Writing took me by storm, consumed my very being, burned dinners at my house, and made my friends post All Points Bulletins for me--okay, that was a big exaggeration, but then again, I do write fiction. 

I am not yet published, but am working toward that goal with the end of the year in my sights.  I have written 2 books of the Night Sky Trilogy--Across the Night Sky and Beyond the Rim, The first book in the Flesh Trilogy-- Aayden's Tale, The Crimson Maolgurdanes, and am currently burning dinners and hiding in my cave while I write "Fractured"...a love story propelled forward by an alien abduction.

My books, thus far, have all been stories of other worlds, with themes of love, family, betrayal, challenge, tolerance and intolerance... and adapting to alien cultures on alien landscapes.

Writing is my passion...this incredible discovery in mid life that often keeps me up till the wee hours of the morning. I am so very fortunate to have the opportunity to devote my time to something that brings me such joy. 

I invite you to read along as I post chapters of the various books mentioned above.  I am just getting started on the business end...and hope you enjoy sharing the uphill climb with me!
And if I have entertained you, made you smile, laugh or cry...then I have been  successful.  Let me know in a comment...I am listening. 

Teresa aka T K CypherBuss aka Willow