Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Saturday, June 25, 2022

WeWriWa: Across the Night Sky 21



Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I'm working on edits for Emmily, Unbound--the book I've been sharing excerpts from for a long time. While I'm doing that, I'm going to share snippets from a WIP entitled Across the Night Sky. 

This is an Alien Abduction Romance.

Marissa, abducted human, 20-something, woke with no idea where she was. After running from the metal box she woke up inside, she finds an open doorway. She stepped through and discovered she wasn't alone. She's with an injured man, Kuylerh. There are predatory animals roaming the darkness. I've skipped ahead a bit.  My last post ended with this: On her knees, she pressed against him while working the scarf around his chest. He leaned his face against her and inhaled deeply.

The snippet: 

“You’ll be okay.” She drew the ends of the fabric around him, crossed them over and then cinched it snug. When she leaned back to even the ends, he gave her a survey starting at her neck, down to her breasts, lingering, and on down to her navel.  

She spit out her knee-jerk thought.  “Knocking on death’s door, but still, well, the award for best portrayal of a typical male goes to my golden-eyed…”

Her words trailed off as she gazed into those gilded orbs that had immediately looked her in the eye when she’d begun to speak. They penetrated her with such kindness, such gratitude, such… Words failed her.

She finished the knot by tying a bow on the front of his chest, cinching it tight to apply solid, steady, pressure. Then she sat down, her back against the wall, and helped him move to where his head was again on her lap.

She brushed loose strands of onyx hair from his face while he gazed up at her. Hysteria threatened again at the sight of him… with that big, blue bow… like a gift just waiting to be given. 


That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting. Comments are deeply appreciated. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

WeWriWa: ATNS 20



Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I'm working on edits for Emmily, Unbound--the book I've been sharing excerpts from for a long time. While I'm doing that, I'm going to share snippets from a WIP entitled Across the Night Sky. 

This is an Alien Abduction Romance.

Marissa, abducted human, 20-something, woke with no idea where she was. After running from the metal box she woke up inside, she finds an open doorway. She stepped through and discovered she wasn't alone. She's with an injured man, Kuylerh. There are predatory animals roaming the darkness. I've skipped ahead a bit. Their gathered group was just attacked again. Kuylerh's bleeding increased and she's patching him up. My last post ended with this:That aside, she now had the perfect wrap to hold the makeshift dressing in place.   Note *the "dressing" is her shirt.

The snippet: 

His smirk was contagious. Hysteria teased. She grinned back, barely holding in laughter--the kind that is so inappropriate and then becomes unstoppable. Just the enormity of the situation, how it felt like she was in a horror film or, God, she couldn’t make it right in her mind. Unbelievable! Sitting here in her bra amongst strangers and beasts, in what building? Field dressing a big guy that she suspected she should have seen in the pages of National Geographic illustrating ancient warfare. At least semi-darkness and utter fatigue cloaked the moment.

On her knees, she pressed against him while working the scarf around his chest. He leaned his face against her and inhaled deeply.

That's it for this week. Next week will end this chapter. Thank you for visiting. Your comments are greatly appreciated!