Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wewriwa: EU2


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where we share snips and bits of amazing tales by talented authors and writers. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished (we like it all) on their own blog to go live by 9:00 AM each Sunday. Then we visit each other and read and comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
      Snippet Sunday group from facebook, not us, but many of our participants do both, is HERE

     This snippet if from  Emmily, Unbound, a contemporary romance with scifi elements. It's in First person--a big change for me.       
     Could be wonky punctuation to keep within the #wewriwa guidelines. Emmily, the main character, and her dog, Murphy, are moving to an old hunting camp her dad willed to her.
     Last week ended with this:
As I drive away, I’m a model of stoicism. What else do I have left? I’m not angry anymore, just sad.

The snippet:    
     Murphy stares ahead, better at this than me. I think he might be looking forward to another big adventure, but I blink back the water in my eyes. Murphy doesn’t know I’m grieving.

     For my parents, for my marriage, for my job. For my life as I knew it.

     I turn on the radio, more for distraction than music. The deejays are discussing a big event authorities believe is a credible UFO sighting, possibly a crash. “It’s in north-central Pennsylvania. That’s right in our backyard,” they say. I've never heard them sound this excited.

 That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for comments, suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

WeWriWa: Sporulators 12

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where we share snips and bits of amazing tales by talented authors and writers. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished (we like it all) on their own blog to go live by 9:00 AM each Sunday. Then we visit each other and read and comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
      Snippet Sunday group from facebook, not us, but many of our participants do both, is HERE

      This week's snippet is from a short story, 'Sporulators', more dystopian/scifi, than anything I've written to date.
      I'm throwing some science into this story. Everything I'm writing thus far about how the mentioned  fungi behave is correct. I work in the field. :-)
     I've moved ahead in the discussion between Klars and Eastwold.

      Could be wonky punctuation to keep within the #wewriwa guidelines.

The snippet:
     The hyphae—you do remember what that is, right? I just told you. The hyphae forms lassoes as it grows, and then it uses pheromones to attract its prey. When the parasites—nematodes to be precise—go in search of that irresistible scent, and wiggle through the lasso, the loop cinches tight and then the Duddingtonia liquefies its catch and absorbs it.  Seriously, have you ever heard of such a thing? It lassoes its prey. It’s the cowboy of the microscopic world; you can probably relate to it.”

      Eastwold spun toward him. “Enough, Stinson! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to clean my six-shooters before we get any closer to a world that is suspiciously silent.”

 That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for comments, suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it.