Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where we share snips and bits of amazing tales by talented authors and writers. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished (we like it all) on their own blog to go live by 9:00 AM each Sunday. Then we visit each other and read and comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
Snippet Sunday group from facebook, not us, but many of our participants do both, is HERE
This snippet if from Emmily, Unbound, a contemporary romance
with scifi elements. It's in First person--a big change for me.
Could be wonky punctuation to keep within the #wewriwa guidelines. Emmily, the main character, and her dog, Murphy, are moving to an old hunting camp her dad willed to her.
Last week ended with this:As I drive away, I’m a model of stoicism. What else do I have left? I’m not angry anymore, just sad.
Last week ended with this:As I drive away, I’m a model of stoicism. What else do I have left? I’m not angry anymore, just sad.
The snippet:
it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for
comments, suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it.
stares ahead, better at this than me. I think he might be looking forward to
another big adventure, but I blink back the water in my eyes. Murphy doesn’t
know I’m grieving.
my parents, for my marriage, for my job. For my life as I knew it.
turn on the radio, more for distraction than music. The deejays are discussing
a big event authorities believe is a credible UFO sighting, possibly a crash. “It’s
in north-central Pennsylvania. That’s right in our backyard,” they say. I've
never heard them sound this excited.