Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.Thank you to everyone who left a comment last week.
I'm reposting the bit about the relaxed rules in case I've missed anyone:
In short, the WeWriWa rules have been relaxed. The goal is to maintain ease of finding the weekly snippet, but allowing more promo for published books. You can check them out here: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com/p/the-rules-of-wewriwa.html
We love our core group, the close-knit community that has evolved here at WeWriWa, the ease and joy of our weekly 'gathering,' but we also recognize that the time authors spend sharing and commenting has to make marketing sense, too. Time is precious. This change would also eliminate the need for the "wonky punctuation to stay within guidelines" disclaimer.
If you'd like to participate or read tempting morsels from other authors, please sign up--or check the linky list at: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com/
Also, check out the Snippet Sunday group on facebook.
This snippet is from Emmily, Unbound, an SFR story. To read a compilation of all snippets posted for this story, click Here: Emmily Unbound, Chapter 1 Emmily, the main character, has lost pretty much everything in the last twelve months: her marriage, her parents, her job, and her house. She and her dog, Murphy, have moved to the mountains of Pennsylvania into an old, remote, hunting camp her parents willed to her. It's her first full day here and after a trip to town to get supplies, she's in the midst of being carjacked--or kidnapped or taken hostage--out in the boonies. Last week one of her kidnappers demanded--help at gunpoint. Now they are carrying a body out of the woods. It ended with: I try to control my breathing, slow breaths, counting. I can’t be charged with a crime, I reason, if I’m being forced at gunpoint.
Now, the snippet: Also, check out the Snippet Sunday group on facebook.
This snippet is from Emmily, Unbound, an SFR story. To read a compilation of all snippets posted for this story, click Here: Emmily Unbound, Chapter 1 Emmily, the main character, has lost pretty much everything in the last twelve months: her marriage, her parents, her job, and her house. She and her dog, Murphy, have moved to the mountains of Pennsylvania into an old, remote, hunting camp her parents willed to her. It's her first full day here and after a trip to town to get supplies, she's in the midst of being carjacked--or kidnapped or taken hostage--out in the boonies. Last week one of her kidnappers demanded--help at gunpoint. Now they are carrying a body out of the woods. It ended with: I try to control my breathing, slow breaths, counting. I can’t be charged with a crime, I reason, if I’m being forced at gunpoint.
my knees aren’t going to hold me much longer.
men carrying the prone form arrive at the car. On closer view, I see that one
of them is a woman. I had to look hard, though; hiding behind the same uniform
the others wear, she’s one strong-looking lady. Same silky hair, same gorgeous
features but hers are smeared with soot and blood. She glances my direction and
I know right away I get no points for belonging to the sisterhood.
tells me to open the back, and when I do, I get close to the body. I look down
into a face contorted in pain. He’s so pale. He must have died an awful death
that this mask of his demise remains.
That's the snippet. A few more lines if you're interested. :-)
so, he is…drop-dead handsome. Drop-dead? I guess it fits in a sick sort of way. He was handsome.
The lines of his face are angular. Brows arch in perfect form above eyelids fringed with long lashes. His hair, colorless like those surrounding him, is fine and silky, the kind of hair I always wished I had. A single, small braid hangs to the side of his face, and it's full of beads.
The lines of his face are angular. Brows arch in perfect form above eyelids fringed with long lashes. His hair, colorless like those surrounding him, is fine and silky, the kind of hair I always wished I had. A single, small braid hangs to the side of his face, and it's full of beads.
God’s sake, I’m going into shock. Why else would I… Seriously? I’m checking out
the dead guy…
others hoist the sides of the camo tarp he's on… and he moans.
So, we know that Emmily has an injured person on her hands--not a dead one. Her reaction starting next week. Thanks so much for reading, and if you left a comment,
I'll throw in a virtual hug.