Welcome Warriors, and Snipsuns, and anyone else who wanders in.
Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly bloghop. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 sentences of their work, published or unpublished, to go live between noon, Saturday and 9:00 AM Sunday EST. Then we visit each other and read, comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
Snippet Sunday group from facebook--not us, but many of our participants do both, can be found HERE
Tayden is an "albayne"--a race distinguished from Jumans by appearance. The morning after. They've survived, and are ready to start walking to the dock, to the boat that will take them upriver into the Firce Mountains. Creative punctuation in use.
Rise-and-shine came early for them, just before dawn, and before curious eyes attached to wagging tongues would be snooping about. Standing in the small kitchen, Kad gave Tayden a once over before they headed out the door. He pulled the albayne's hood forward, deepening the shadow hiding his face. "There we are, my friend. It'd do none of us good to have someone see a row of scales where they're expecting to see hairy eyebrows, right?"
Drave's face remained impassive, but his voice was smiling when he chimed in, "Scales... and those crazy eyes of yours-- Mr. Night Vision with the vertical pupils."
Kad winked at Tayden. "With brushrows for eyebrows like Drave's, how could he be jealous of your scales--but it sure sounds like he is."
That's it. What jumps out at you, good or bad? I'd love to hear it. Thank you so, so much for reading this.