Weekend Writing Warriors August 25, 2013
A dream--right, this is a dream.

Welcome Warriors, and Snipsuns and anyone else who wanders in. Weekend writing Warriors is a weekly bloghop. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 sentences of their work, published or unpublished, to go live between noon, Saturday and 9:00 AM Sunday EST Then we visit each other and read, comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
Set up: Marissa has spent the last year homeless and delusional. In this week's post, I've backed up to very early in the story. We're in a dream, or maybe it's reality? She's been abducted, but still hasn't figured that out. There's an injured man she's caring for as best she can, and predators are on the loose, attacking when it's time for a meal.
*note You might encounter creative punctuation :-)
Sitting motionless in air that was thick with fear and not much
else, she concentrated on calming herself, but as is often the case when pushed beyond reason, the harder she tried, the more she felt
a surge of panic just under the surface. Keep it together. Her golden-eyed companion slumped, helpless, half against the wall and half
against her, vacillating between mumbling and moaning.
thought gnawed at the back of her mind. Predators--that was it; they'd
return, and she'd have to fight to survive ...again. Then it all came
back as seamlessly as if she'd never left her dream. A dream--right, this is a dream. She just had to wake up.
One little special announcement before I wrap it up. Wewriwa.com is offering, at no charge, 4 promo slots on our sidebar for regular participants. How does a writer become a regular participant? Sign up and post at least 8 out of 10 Sundays in a row. The spots will be changed once a month, Details here: Weekend Writing Warriors free book promo
That's it. What jumps out at you, good or bad ? I'd love to hear it and am truly grateful for every bit of criticism, opinion, and shared wisdom. Thank you so much for visiting! It might take me several days to return visits, but I will. Have a great week, all!