Welcome Warriors, and Snipsuns, and anyone else who wanders in. The last Sunday in March! Can you believe it?
I want to mention -- in case you've missed it on wewriwa.com, that we have promotional spaces on our right sidebar. These are free, and are given out for two months at a time to regular participants. The only thing we ask is that you've posted four out of the last five weeks prior to requesting a spot. The link is to the Amazon book/buy page only. As a rule we take the book cover image right from the Amazon book's page. If you're interested, email us at wewriwa@yahoo.com We're getting ready to switch them out. If you don't make it on this month, we'll add your name to a running list for the promotions. We'll assign them in the order requests are received. :-)
Weekend writing Warriors is a weekly bloghop. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 sentences of their work, published or unpublished, to go live between noon, Saturday and 9:00 AM Sunday EST. Then we visit each other and read, comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good.
Snippet Sunday group from facebook--not us, but many of our participants do both, can be found HERE
Set up. Kad, with his friend Drave (the enforcer) has taken Tayden to a world called Shantar to hide him from Dominions thugs and henchmen. They are negotiating with the Port operator for a small boat and driver to haul them upriver--into a mountainous, wilderness area. They've just asked the Port operator to find who is willing to accept a late fare--hauling them in the dark.
After the operator vanished into a backroom, they listened to him contacting people on what was probably an old radio-wave set. He tried to coax several different river drivers to take the fare, but when he came back to the counter, he could have skipped saying out loud whether it was aye or nay. "Sorry, fellas, not a thing I can do. It'll be, at best, four hours until a driver's available."
He looked down, away from their faces toward where his hands fidgeted on top of the list, and added, “Extra risky, going so late. It’s the last of the waning quarter, barely a sliver. You don’t even have moonlight to guide your way. The driver said to tell you, if you really have to go tonight it’ll cost extra.”
That's it. Whatever jumps out at you, good or bad, I'd love to hear. I need to hear it. And I'm truly grateful for every bit of criticism. I do learn from it. Have a great week, everyone