Hello fellow Warriors (and Snippeteers)! :-) The last Sunday in August already! I'm not really ready for summer to be over, but I do look forward to cooler fall weather. How about you?
Weekend Writing
Warriors is a weekly bloghop. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 to 10 sentences of
their work, published or unpublished, on their own blog to go live before 9:00 AM Sunday EST. (We check signups and remove links when we don't find a wewriwa post-- to save our participants from clicking on empty links--so please have it live by 9:00 Sunday morning--eastern USA) Then we visit each other and read, comment,
critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart
good. Snippet Sunday group from facebook--not us, but many of our participants
do both, can be found HERE.
week's snippet: We're back to our main character, Lily, and her dog Jobe, in a holding cell on an alien ship. Last week's snippet ended with: Dev
Areen stuck out his chest and looked around. “Who among you would earn extra
We continue from there...
food, not the slop you’ve been eating. Come forward,” Dev Areen said.
guards spoke at the same time as their crowing leader, glancing at him every few
seconds. They were probably translating to other languages for her cellmates.
But Dev Areen had chosen very clear Earth English to deliver his message. Why
was he making sure she understood this?
was pathetically inadequate to describe the prisoner who walked toward the
cocky Bulrager. The guards drew weapons, slowing down the behemoth.
That's it for this week. What works and what doesn't? I'm grateful for every bit of feedback you share.
That's it for this week. What works and what doesn't? I'm grateful for every bit of feedback you share.