Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wewriwa: EU18

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors! I am so glad you found your way here,

      If you'd like to participate or read tempting morsels from other authors, please sign up at--and check the linky list: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com/
     This snippet is from Emmily, Unbound, an SFR story.           Emmily, the main character, has lost pretty much everything in the last twelve months: her marriage, her parents, her job, and her house. She and her dog, Murphy, are moving to an old hunting camp her parents willed to her. It's remote, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. After arriving at near dark, she saw someone in the woods at the edge of her yard. She ran back in the house and has systematically (while trying not to freak out) checked locks, closed curtains, and thought through what to do to stay safe. 
     There could be wonky punctuation to keep within wewriwa guidelines.  
     Last week's snippet (she's talking about a broom-- and she has a paring knife) ended with this:   I can whack someone from a distance with it. I pray I don’t have to use either.  

  The snippet:           

    When my breathing slows and my racing heart calms, when I can think again, I pick up a notebook full of my writing notes and turn to a blank page. Squinting, at the fringes of the firelight, I make a list. Baseball bat is on the top line because…it’s not a bad idea. Next are window blinds and cleaners--make that a boatload of cleaning supplies. Then I add the groceries I’ll need for a couple of weeks, starting with water for drinking and cooking. 
     The list is long when I finally can’t force my eyes to stay open. After one last check on the chairs propped against the doors, I crawl into a sleeping bag on the living room floor.

     Fire-shadows play and dance, flickering on the walls and the ceiling as my racing thoughts finally slow. Instead of counting sheep, I repeat over and over, "There wasn’t anyone in the woods." As I drift off, I clench the broom handle, because no matter what I tell myself, I know what I saw…

     That's it for this week. It finishes chapter one in the book. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for comments and suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Wewriwa: EU17

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors! I am so glad you found your way here, especially given the website issues we're having.
      Domain issues remain.   I really think I've exhausted all avenues. Godaddy still insists this is a Google problem. Google has no real people to talk to, just bots or AI, or something that doesn't care that I've paid for two years. ~sigh~
     That having been said, I do believe that for the foreseeable future, wewriwa.blogspot.com will be our home.  
      We do need to load up our sidebars with all of your incredible books! If you'd like a promo spot on the wewriwa.blogspot blog, please send me an email with your booklinks. I'll grab the cover image from the link. My email is cypherbuss at yahoo dot com.
    Once again, thanks for bearing with us while we sort through this Google/Godaddy/domain issue.
      For the time being, please sign up at--and check the linky list to find other writers and other great snippets: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com/
     This snippet is from Emmily, Unbound, an SFR story in first-person-present. 
     There could be wonky punctuation to keep within wewriwa guidelines. Emmily, the main character, has lost pretty much everything in the last twelve months: her marriage, her parents, her job, and her house. She and her dog, Murphy, are moving to an old hunting camp her parents willed to her. It's remote, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. They've just arrived,. She's checked the cabin inside and just finished running the vacuum cleaner. When she was outside to empty the vacuum canister, she saw someone running into the woods. She dashed back inside and checked locks etc. Last week's snippet ended with this:  
Make that two Sluggers, one for the back door too, and a bear trap for the front porch.        
             Bear trap? Ridiculous, Emmily.  

  The snippet: 
       I need to stop my mind from continuing this wild ride it's taking me on. 
     I listen for any sounds that might be predatory. Aside from my hammering heart pounding in my ears, it's mostly quiet, just Murphy’s breathing and occasional bits of wood crackling in the red glow beyond the hearth.

     I take deep, slow, breaths and will myself to calm while I try to convince my inner scaredy-cat it was my imagination. But just in case, I go to the kitchen and grab a knife—a paring knife. Little good it will do if something big breaks through that door, but it’s all I have.

     On second thought, or maybe it’s third, or fifteenth—I’ve lost track—I grab the broom, thankful that it’s a sturdy old, full-size one. It might work better than the knife. I can whack someone from a distance with it. I pray I don’t have to use either.
     That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for comments and suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Wewriwa: EU 16

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors! I am so glad you found your way here, especially given the website issues we're having.
      Domain issues remain.   I really think I've exhausted all avenues. Godaddy still insists this is a Google problem. Google has no real people to talk to, just bots or AI, or something that doesn't care that I've paid for two years. ~sigh~
     That having been said, I do believe that for the foreseeable future, wewriwa.blogspot.com will be our home.  
      We do need to load up our sidebars with all of your incredible books! If you'd like a promo spot on the wewriwa.blogspot blog, please send me an email with your booklinks. I'll grab the cover image from the link. My email is cypherbuss at yahoo dot com.
    Once again, thanks for bearing with us while we sort through this Google/Godaddy/domain issue.
      For the time being, please sign up at--and check the linky list to find other writers and other great snippets: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com/
     This snippet is from Emmily, Unbound, an SFR story in first-person-present. 
     There could be wonky punctuation to keep within wewriwa guidelines. Emmily, the main character, has lost pretty much everything in the last twelve months: her marriage, her parents, her job, and her house. She and her dog, Murphy, are moving to an old hunting camp her parents willed to her. It's remote, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. They've just arrived,. She's checked the cabin inside and just finished running the vacuum cleaner. When she was outside to empty the vacuum canister, she saw someone running into the woods. She dashed back inside and checked locks etc. Last week's snippet ended with this:   I inch farther back from the fire to the edge of the darkness, trying to be invisible to anyone snooping through windows. My mind is going in a crazy circle.

  The snippet:    

     The curtains…I release them from their tiebacks, and they hang full coverage. There are no blinds, but a couple of the windows have shutters; I close and latch them. Tomorrow I’ll go into town and get some heavy curtains and blinds.

     The next item I try to check off my list, but I can’t—a weapon of some sort. I’m completely unprepared to defend myself -- I have nothing here. Nothing! Tomorrow, along with other supplies, I’ll get a Louisville Slugger to keep next to the front door. Make that two Sluggers, one for the back door too, and a bear trap for the front porch.
      Bear trap? Ridiculous, Emmily.
     Trying to be calm and methodical. At least she recognized that a bear trap was overkill. lol
     That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I am truly grateful for comments and suggestions, and for you taking the time to read it.