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A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors February 25, 2018

It's time for snips and bits of amazing tales by talented writers! Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly bloghop. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished, on their own blog to go live by before 9:00 AM Sunday, EST. Then we visit each other and read, comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good. 
             Snippet Sunday group from facebook--not us, but many of our participants do both, can be found HERE
            This week's snippet is from "The Sands of Dhor". 
Lily, abducted from Earth by alien slavers, is following Theusand. He's not a slaver--and he saved Lily, sort of.  He's Dhor'en; they communicate mind to mind. 
            They've left the section of the ship where he and his Chays (monks) are quartered, and have arrived at what she thinks might be the helm of the ship she's on. 
She thought she'd gotten away from the slavers...
The excerpt:

"Her voice went silent and that had nothing to do with Theusand. In front of her, a Bulrager stood with his back to them. There was no mistaking the wasp waist and the blue-black armor, not the browns and beiges of low-status, alien kidnappers. Her legs started to tremble.
Theusand’s words whispered in her mind, or to her ears; she was oblivious to where they fell. He coaxed, “Lily, do you not yet know I have sufficient power to stop any ill dealings he might attempt?”
The Bulrager turned. Dev Areen.
             He stood tall, threw back his shoulders and stuck out his chest, striking his terrifyingly familiar pose.  The rooster." 

That's it. All opinions greatly appreciated. :-) Thank you so much for visiting and for reading!


  1. Even his reassurance doesn't seem to quell her worries. Good job.

    Teresa, I forgot to sign up in time.
    Diane Burton http://dianeburton.blogspot.com

  2. Yeah, I don't think I'd be too reassured at the moment.

  3. I can understand why she'd be frightened even with Theusand's assurances. Great snippet!

  4. I can really sense her terror here- great job!

  5. Great show of her terror! Just seeing him through her eyes gives the reader the idea she fears him more than she trusts Theusand to protect her. Nice snippet!

    BTW--I keep getting error messages when I click on some links this week. Is it my computer or is there a problem? I couldn't get into Amy Braun or Hywela Lynn's, for example. But got here fine. Thanks!

    1. The same thing's been happening to me, but I don't know what's going wrong because I haven't done anything different. So weird! :S

    2. I got error messages first thing this morning on about 50% of the links I clicked on. And now, those same links are opening just fine. I have no idea what it is. I don't think it's anything any of the blog owners have changed or done. It's a glitch somewhere, for sure.

  6. Scared into silence. I wonder what this Bulrager has in store for her.

  7. Great description. I wouldn't want to be entirely dependent on Theusand's protection. I'm getting the error messages too. They say the website isn't secure and might be a phishing site.

  8. I believe in Lily! She'll kick ass when she needs to!

  9. I see why she’s scared. Great imagery.

  10. The offer of protection isn't too reassuring if someone's out to get you. OK while he's present and alert, but can he protect her 24x7?

    1. BTW the next site I visited I also got an error and my browser won't let me proceed. Something about an invalid security certificate. This won't be anything you (the blogger) have done, this problem lies with the company that hosts the blog.

  11. I hadn't thought to wonder about the relationship between Theusand and the slavers, but now you've got me wondering.

  12. Yup, that's a terrifying turn of events. And makes one think about Theusand...this is a fascinating story. Great snippet!

  13. Her fear is...I'm stuck for the word I want - she's terrified and it's clearly visible from your writing.

  14. I hope she's safe. I'd be terrified too.

  15. After all that time she had to be terrified, I wouldn't expect her to get over it so easily. Emotional snippet!

  16. This is such a brilliantly vivid piece of writing, I could visualise the terrifying Bulrager perfectly and her fear was palpable! I too had a few problems getting onto a few sites too!

    (Thank you SO much for the lovely review, I really appreciate it and I'm so glad you enjoyed Beloved Enemy, I loved writing it!)

  17. I'm suddenly not sure that Theusand can protect her.
