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A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Sunday, June 5, 2022

WeWriWa: Acoss the Night Sky 19



Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I'm working on edits for Emmily, Unbound--the book I've been sharing excerpts from for a long time. While I'm doing that, I'm going to share snippets from a WIP entitled Across the Night Sky. 

This is an Alien Abduction Romance.

Marissa, abducted human, 20-something, woke with no idea where she was. After running from the metal box she woke up inside, she finds an open doorway. She stepped through and discovered she wasn't alone. She's with an injured man, Kuylerh. There are predatory animals roaming the darkness. I've skipped ahead a bit. Their gathered group was just attacked again. Kuylerh, though injured, managed to brace an improvised spear to stab the beast's jaw, saving Marissa's life in the process.

The snippet: 

Blood dripped between his fingers, where he pressed his hand against his chest. A lump formed in her throat. She willed herself to be calm. “Christ, don’t you dare die on me. Working together, we might make it out of here alive.” After taking off her shirt, she balled it up and pressed the cleanest part against his wound. He winced as she applied pressure. She mumbled a distracted apology while she looked for something to hold the shirt in place.

There was a blue cloth wrapped around his neck. When she gave it a tug, a strange and incredibly ill-timed smirk settled across his lips.

A little more to complete the scene.

She whispered while she continued tugging the cloth out of his shirt, “I don’t know what you’re smiling about. Maybe your blood loss made your brain go cuckoo.” 

The fabric kept coming as she pulled, maybe five or six feet of it. She couldn’t help but grin. For a guy who wore leather and chains, his inner-fashionista was on full display with that satiny, royal-blue scarf.  

She’d never met a man who wore a silk scarf, or satin, or whatever it was. Most of the guys she knew didn’t even wear scarves. The few who did had the name of a professional sports team on them. That aside, she now had the perfect wrap to hold the makeshift dressing in place.


  1. I'm wondering why he's smiling, too, with that injury. I hope they'll be okay!

  2. I wonder what the significance of the scarf is? Is he grateful for her care or did she just bind herself to him i some way . . .?

  3. You raised some good questions, Teresa. Great way to get us to turn the page.

  4. Yes. I'm wondering about his smirk and blue scarf too.

  5. I love the details about the scarf!

  6. That smirk certainly means something--as does the scarf. Can't wait to find out what!

  7. I'm with Jenna on this one. Great intriguing snippet!

  8. I'm wondering about the scarf and if it means something more.
