Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weekend Writing Warriors April 3, 2016

Hello all my fellow Warriors (and Snippeteers)!. :-) Happy  April!   We're getting a shot of winter tonight. ~sigh~ It will go soon enough.

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly bloghop.  Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com, then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished, on their own blog to go live between noon, Saturday, and 9:00 AM Sunday EST. Then we visit each other and read, comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good. 
              Snippet Sunday group from facebook--not us, but many of our participants do both, can be found HERE

Setup:  Earth has been invaded by aliens. Our MC, Lily fled on foot. Her and her dog were just captured by the aliens.
Tentatively, it was a chapter end. I've skipped ahead a couple of paragraphs. Lily is on the ground with her wrists and ankles secured. For the animal lovers--Jobe is right next to her:
~Looking up at the stars, her tears finally came. Tears for her children—she  prayed they were safe. The government bus she’d put them on nearly two weeks ago was headed to Alaska. The aliens had shown no interest in colder regions, so her little girls were in a  refugee camp far up north, along with her sister, her nephews, niece , and her brother in law.  She didn’t regret it though—staying behind to try to find Damien. He’d have done the same.
 News had come via the Emergency Broadcasting System that heavy Bulrager reinforcements arrived in New York City.  No one knew what to think--until the aliens started to move in mass numbers. Still, she and Damien never dreamed they'd have only two days to get out before the invaders reached Pittsburgh's suburbs.  How stupid they'd been, counting on the mountains and rough terrain between home and New York to slow down aliens who had traveled across a galaxy, maybe even across the universe.~

 That's it for this week. Thank you for reading it. I learn from your comments--and I'm so grateful for any insight you share. Have a great week!


  1. Now I want to know who Damien is. And, of course, what's going to happen next. Great snippet!

  2. Excellent way to introduce back story, Teresa. I also look forward to finding out more about Damien.

  3. Ah, some useful backstory. From a strictly logical perspective, she and Damien (her husband, I assume) can be forgiven for not foreseeing the alien's intent; but it is tragic.

  4. She has children? And a husband? Oh dear... Where is Damien? I hope her kids are safe. And thanks for letting us know the dog was still there! <3 I love the last line where she realizes that it was silly to think that they could outrun creatures that had traveled a galaxy. Reality starts to set in... Great snippet, Teresa!

  5. Glad her kids are safe! I'm wondering who Damien is. I love how this story is progressing. I look forward to it every week.

  6. Wow, Teresa - this snippet really opened your story world up for me. It's exciting to think about how Lily and Damien will overcome this harrowing invasion.

  7. Loved the snippet...yes, we don't always think rationally when it comes to invading aliens. Enjoyed it!

  8. Stunning snippet, Reesie. I think her thoughts and reactions are quite reasonable, given the situation. Nicely done!

  9. Pretty terrifying situation. In their defense, I probably would have assumed natural terrain would have helped, too, then kicked myself later when I thought about it...can't wait to read this in full!

  10. Love how you're giving us some background now. I'm glad the rest of her family is safe- I probably would have counted on natural barriers helping as well!

  11. I think her thoughts are very realistic and what a great point - that terrestial terrain isn't likely to defeat aliens! Great snippet.

  12. Nothing stops the aliens just like the terrorists. Wonderful snippet, Teresa. I'm loving this story.

  13. Poor Lily. A neat way gently to slip some backstory into the narrative - very nice.

  14. Love the backstory along with what is currently happening. Wonderful writing! Also, thanks for taking care of us animal lovers ;-)

  15. THANK GOD THE DOG IS SAFE!!!!!!!!!! Oh, sorry, I got a bit excited, lol. A good time to regroup and do a little backstory drop, I agree with the others. But I fear she won't have long to ponder things before she's in the fray again! Awesome story. Can't wait til next week!

  16. I think the terrain not stopping them is a great point! Love where this is going! Thank for sharing!-Book Bling

  17. Great to know some of the back story, and glad that the children are safe, as well as the dog. Sounds a very interesting story and look forward to reading more.

  18. I really liked that last line. That's exactly the way people would behave. They'd think they had time to spare when of course they didn't.

  19. Those last lines bring home how dire the situation is with the Aliens. Truly, what are a few trees and mountains when they traveled galaxies. Great snippet.

  20. First, thank you for sharing Jobe's fate;).
    Second, I love the snippet. Beautiful writing that shows so much. Now I know what happened and get an idea how she ended up where she did.
    I wasn't sure if the kids were her biological kids or if they were kids she looked after. If your vagueness is on purpose just ignore me, if not, maybe clarify a little bit.

  21. Sad and spooky, but that keeps people reading. People often can't cope with reality when it falls that far outside the norm, so her & Damien's reaction is believable. But of course now we're all pulling for the family, and the dog, and we're all on the edge of our seats!

  22. It could have been possible for the terrain to slow them--depends on what they prepared for. Obviously it did not, though.

  23. Good to know a bit more about the background of the invasion and it wasn't totally unrealistic to think rough terrain would slow down the aliens. They just lost that wager. Still hoping Lily can get away.

  24. You can really hear her despair. Great snippet!

  25. Hey, I'm really loving this story. It's very intriguing. I can almost hear that broadcast go out. :)

  26. So who is Damien and what happened to him? This snippet raises all sorts of interesting questions, as well as answering a few. Nicely done.

  27. Sometimes being given the time to allow your thoughts to haunt you is painful. Great way to being us into her story (please, please save the doggie...)
