Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lily, Tell Us a Story: wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where we share snips and bits of amazing tales by talented authors and writers. Each week, participants sign up HERE at wewriwa.com then post 8 to 10 sentences of their work, published or unpublished (we like it all) on their own blog to go live by 9:00 AM each Sunday. Then we visit each other and read and comment, critique, encourage--all those things that do a solitary writer's heart good. 
Snippet Sunday group from facebook, not us but many of our participants do both, is HERE
This week's snippet is from my scifi WIP, Dhor'en Sands. Lily, (Abducted from Earth) the MC, is gathered with a group of rebels around a fire and they're telling tales--their respective histories, mostly. She's just been musing about how different Theusand is here among these people.
Last week ended with: Elder Spense jerked her out of her thoughts when he carried a flask her way..
We pick up from there. Note* Creative punctuation used at times to stay within 8 to 10 sentences max. 
Theusand reached for it and handed it to her. “They have accepted you.”
She drank the heavily flavored liquid, unable to identify it. It burned on the way down, not a spice burn, more like the way whiskey takes a person’s breath away, leaving no doubt what kind of drink it was.
Theusand drank after her and then the flask went around. As their tales wove their history, the flask softened the hard edges of the worst tales, and coaxed laughter at the happy ones. Each time it emptied, Elder Spense replaced it.
She’d lost track of how many times she’d tipped it up to her lips, but she'd reached a feeling of boldness.That coincided with Leese asking, “Lily, won’t you tell us a story?”
That's it for this week. I'm truly grateful for any comment or critique you share. Thanks for visiting!


  1. I think that drink will certainly make Lily tell them a great story!

  2. You have a way of giving the reader total interest in this snippet. More drinks needed, my friend.

  3. I'm glad they accepted her, but wonder where the stories are leading.

  4. Ah, at first I thought bringing the flask over was some kind of ritual invitation to speak. I wondered if she was about to be put on the spot. Relieved to see they were just offering a drink, and a bit of Dutch Courage :)

  5. Have they accepted her, or are they simply trying to get her lose-lipped? Very curious to read more!

  6. Nothing like a good swig of alcohol to make a person feel bold.

  7. I'm glad they accepted her, and I wonder what her story will sound like, especially to Theusand.

  8. The good ol' lowering of inhibitions. I wonder how her tale will be received.

  9. UhOh . . . loose lips sink ships. I hope the ability to control them hasn't fled her. Or maybe it's just the thing she needed to be herself and win them over.

  10. Oh no! I'm afraid of the story she will tell.

  11. I agree with some of the other comments: I'm quite worried about what she's going to say and how that's going to affect her.

  12. Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.
