Welcome to my world and beyond...

A collection of snippets of the books I write and, occasionally, my life and the things that inspire my writing...

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Wewriwa: The Silent Stars Go By 2


Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I'm working on some short stories, second-chance romance set during the holidays. Almost finished with story #4. My plan is to learn the process by publishing a short story collection. Is that a good idea or a bad idea? Any pitfalls to that route vs. publishing a one-story novel?

This snippet is from story #3, "The Silent Stars Go By". (Still working on this blurb.)

Ace Ridley and Ashley Pence made a promise when they were seniors in high school. They'd go to college then join the Air Force, do their stint so Ashley could fly, then come back home to the farm, get married, and raise their family.

They never planned on Ace not qualifying to fly, and in an unbelievable twist, for Ashley to qualify for NASA.

Over two decades later, Ace knows well how things can go wrong, and promises can be broken. He can't forgive that. Or can he? When, Ashely visits her parents, he runs into her. Against odds, they spend several days together,  But what looks like a promising rekindling of affection turns to anger when Ace can't find a way to move forward.

He'll need to swallow his pride long enough to explain his side...and listen to hers if there is going to be a chance for them.

Continuing from the last snippet:

           He tried to do that a couple of times a week. The nearly two decades since his dad’s stroke had taught him there was always something they needed a hand with. He supposed it was pride that kept his dad from picking up the phone and calling him to ask for help. While he took off his work boots, his father shuffled into the kitchen, nudging his walker in front of him.

The Snippet

             “Son, how many acres you pick today?” His words were a tad garbled, an effect of the paralysis crippling one side of his body.

“Just the front fields. The ones in the back are still wet. I don’t know which’ll happen first—if they’ll dry or if the ground’ll winter-up.”

His dad nodded. “With luck, we’ll get deep frost this year, kill the bugs in the soil.”

“You stay for dinner,” his mom said. “I figured you in when I counted potatoes for the pot.”

A little more...

He smiled. There was no use fighting Beatrice Ridley. Didn’t matter if she was running her own kitchen or unofficially directing everyone at the church suppers.

She worked at the stove with her back to Ace and his dad. “Are you bringing anyone for Christmas dinner?”

He knew that question was coming before she’d asked it. The tone of her voice sounded so casual, like it was a random question that’d just popped into her mind when she added, “Will Ashley be home for the holidays?”

Ace held his breath and silently counted. When he reached ten, a calm reply prevailed—which was what he wanted. He didn’t like arguing with his mom—with either of his parents, for that matter. And he reminded himself that his mom was worried about him being lonely. And she worried about Ashley, too. Ash would always be family to his parents.

Not to him, though. Not since she’d broken their promise, the one they’d made when they were seniors in high school. When they decided their futures would be one. Singular. Working toward one goal. Their education, a farm, a family of their own.  

That's it. Have a great week!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Wewriwa: The Silent Stars Go By 1

 Happy September!  Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

It's been a while. I'm looking hard at my retirement. The end of the year is coming fast. I hope to have time to get some stories published, but from everything I've heard from others, there is less time to spare after retirement. 

I'm working on some short stories, second-chance romance set during the holidays. Almost finished with story #4. My plan is to learn the process by publishing a short story collection. Is that a good idea or a bad idea? Any pitfalls to that route vs. publishing a one-story novel?

This snippet is from story #3, "The Silent Stars Go By". (Still working on this blurb.)

Ace Ridley and Ashley Pence made a promise when they were seniors in high school. They'd go to college then join the Air Force, do their stint so Ashley could fly, then come back home to the farm, get married, and raise their family.

Over two decades later, Ace knows well how things can go wrong, and promises can be broken. He can't forgive that. Or can he? When, Ashely visits her parents, he runs into her. Against odds, they spend several days together,  But what looks like a promising rekindling of affection turns to anger when Ace can't find a way to move forward.

He'll need to swallow his pride long enough to explain his side...and listen to hers if there is going to be a chance for them.

"          Ace stepped through the barn door into the chilly night. He looked heavenward where stars winked in the black velvet sky. Two more hours and she’d fly right over. He wondered... Did she ever look down at Armstrong County, and did she wonder if he was looking up at her? Or did she ever wonder about him at all?

Coyotes yipped in the distance, their voices coming from two directions. He shivered, closed and latched the door, and headed toward the house.

When he strode into the kitchen, his mother scolded, “Young man, wipe your boots off or you’ll leave muddy tracks on my fresh-scrubbed floor.”

A little more...

He hid the amusement his mom’s words caused. With forty in his rearview mirror, he hadn’t been a young anything for a while. But his mom was right, as usual; he should check his shoes before he stepped into someone’s house.  

“Sorry mom. Thought I’d drop in and say hello while I’m picking corn over this way.”

He tried to do that a couple of times a week. The nearly two decades since his dad’s stroke had taught him there was always something they needed a hand with. He supposed it was pride that kept his dad from picking up the phone and calling him to ask for help. While he took off his work boots, his father shuffled into the kitchen, nudging his walker in front of him

I've missed this group. I've missed holding myself accountable to post weekly. Have a great week!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Weekend Writing Warriors: March 26, 2023

Happy spring!  Happy last weekend in March. Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I've jumped back to Lily's story formerly referred to as Dai Klavven. That name is changing, but I haven't chosen the new name yet. For the time being, it will remain just 'DK'. 

So, moving forward. I'm working on finishing DK.  In this excerpt--the setup: Lily has been saved from the Bulragers by a "Sand" named Theusand. Sands can speak mind to mind. They are still traveling toward Theusand's home world, Tebrig, on the ship Lily was imprisoned on, but she's no longer in the lower level as a prisoner. She and Theusand are visiting a remote world where people are in hiding. Tonight, after dinner, they sit around in candlelight, telling stories and imbibing. 

Last week's snippet ended with: “Then the invaders scorched our land and destroyed our crops to force us into nonresistance. We prayed for the evil, the pain, the death... to stop.

“Instead, the Jophraths came, our worst nightmare, cruel beyond belief. They mined our beautiful world for every mineral they could haul. Sucking entire lakes dry, they annihilated the grasses and the flowers, the trees and the animals.

"The Bulragers rented our people to them for labor, and then they worked them to their final breath.

His hands clenched into fists when he directed a hard look at Elder Spense. “Love and forgiveness will not bring back our garden." Then he looked around the room as he continued.  "Besides, that ilk would simply come and destroy us all over again. That is, if the Bulragers don’t find our scattered survivors first.”

That's it for this week. Thanks for reading, and if you leave a comment, thank you so much! :-)

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Weekend Writing Warriors: DK 3-19-23

Happy-almost-spring!  Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I've jumped back to Lily's story formerly referred to as Dai Klavven. That name is changing, but I haven't chosen the new name yet. For the time being, it will remain just 'DK'. 

So, moving forward. I'm working on finishing DK.  In this excerpt--the setup: Lily has been saved from the Bulragers by a "Sand" named Theusand. Sands can speak mind to mind. They are still traveling toward Theusand's home world, Tebrig, on the ship Lily was imprisoned on, but she's no longer in the lower level as a prisoner. She and Theusand are visiting a remote world where people are in hiding. Tonight, after dinner, they sit around in candlelight, telling stories and imbibing. The peaceful mood has been shattered.

Last week's snippet ended with: Without warning, a thunderous voice boomed, shattering the tranquility. "Then evil came to our lands!” "

As Lily straightened herself after nearly falling off her cushion, she glanced around at others doing the same. At least she wasn’t the only one startled half to death. 

Theusand’s words filtered into her mind. “That is Narge. Every moment of his life is dominated by anger over the home he lost.”

When Narge continued, his voice was lower, but he gestured wildly with his hands, his facial expressions went from frightened to fierce.  “The Bulragers, a cruel and greedy race of slavers, came from the sky, from our beautiful blue sky. They captured a great number of our people and hauled them away, out into the stars. Forcibly, the diaspora of our people had begun again.

“They dragged children from their mothers’ arms, and beat and chained their fathers for trying to protect their families.

“Then the invaders scorched our land and destroyed our crops to force us into nonresistance. We prayed for the evil, the pain, the death... to stop.

That's it for this week. Thanks for reading, and if you leave a comment, thank you so much! :-)

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Weekend Writing Warriors: February 5, 2023


Happy February. I'm a firm believer that Punxutawney Phil lies. :-)

Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to

I've jumped back to Lily's story formerly referred to as Dai Klavven. That name is changing, but I haven't chosen the new name yet. For the time being, it will remain just 'DK'. 

So, moving forward. I'm working on finishing DK. My muse is being awfully quiet though. :-(   In this excerpt--the setup: Lily has been saved from the Bulragers by a "Sand" named Theusand. Sands can speak mind to mind. They are still traveling toward Theusand's home world, Tebrig, on the ship Lily was imprisoned on, but she's no longer in the lower level as a prisoner. She and Theusand are visiting a remote world where people are in hiding. Tonight, after dinner, they sit around in candlelight, telling stories and imbibing. 

Last week's snippet ended with: “Children… We were all children then, relishing the innocence of a world unchallenged by hatred or greed. Our world was a garden, and peace and love were the crops we grew."

“It is where our beliefs were nurtured, that we can work together and survive, that we can be kind to each other without fear of fault or weakness, that we can forgive the trespasses by others on our goods and our hearts, and most of all, that we can love without end.

“These beliefs all live in my heart as much as they live in my mind.” His eyes came back into focus as he looked again at the children sitting around him.  “They must live inside of you, each of you, and you must carry them with you all of your days, wherever your garden may be.”

Lily couldn’t have turned away if she’d wanted to. It was like a child’s story, for no real world could be so beautiful, so peaceful, so full of wonders, or could it?

“It was.” Soft as a whisper, Theusand’s words filtered into her mind, and drifted like a lullaby with the images of what it must have been.

Lily sat in silence, basking in the spell he’d cast.

WIthout warning, a thunderous voice boomed, shattering the tranquility. "Then evil came to our lands!” 

Someone has changed direction of this tale... That's the snippet. Thank you so much for visiting. This is a WIP so comments are especially appreciated. :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

WeWriWa: DK January 28, 2023


Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

I've jumped back to Lily's story formerly referred to as Dai Klavven. That name is changing, but I haven't chosen the new name yet. For the time being, it will remain just 'DK'. 

So, moving forward. I'm working on finishing DK. My muse is being awfully quiet though. :-(   In this excerpt--the setup: Lily has been saved from the Bulragers by a "Sand" named Theusand. Sands can speak mind to mind. They are still traveling toward Theusand's home world, Tebrig, on the ship Lily was imprisoned on, but she's no longer in the lower level as a prisoner. She and Theusand are visiting a remote world where people are in hiding. Tonight, after dinner, they sit around in candlelight, telling stories and imbibing. 

Last week's snippet ended with: "“Our people...” he looked around at the children before continuing,” Your people, came from the stars spread out as the night sky above. They answered the call to a garden where they would be safe, welcome, and living amongst neighbors they would not fear.

“And so, they came: The builders, the cooks, the people who worked the land, singers and storytellers, poets and dreamers, those who would lead--and those who would follow." He paused, probably for effect, then added, "And it was good."

“Their journeys were hard but they were accomplished with glad determination. Our people were coming home, and all of its comforts waited for them."

“Water babbled in streams, water so sweet one could barely drink his fill. Aromatic clovers grew on vast plains where wild creatures grazed without fear of man. Children made chains of the flowers that dotted the hills and valleys.”

He reached into a cloth sack and pulled out necklaces made from the thin, silvery leaves she’d seen outside. Children eagerly grabbed for them as he handed them out. Every child thanked him, save for the babies too young to talk.

A little bit more if you're interested.

 When everyone was settled again, Spense looked at something distant, something Lily couldn’t see. She suspected none of them saw it because it was somewhere in his memories. His eyes misted over. “Children… We were all children then, relishing the innocence of a world unchallenged by hatred or greed. Our world was a garden, and peace and love were the crops we grew."

That's the snippet. Thank you so much for visiting. This is a WIP so comments are especially appreciated. :-)

Saturday, January 21, 2023

WeWriWa DK 01-21-23


Welcome to a weekly post of Weekend Writing Warriors. If you'd like to check it out or give it a try, click here to go to wewriwa.blogspot.com

Sorry I've been absent. I've been grappling with a lot. But, I'm back--and plan on trying hard to remain that way.

Emmily Unbound is back with the editor for its second pass.

I've jumped back to Lily's story formerly referred to as Dai Klavven. That name is changing, but I haven't chosen the new name yet. For the time being, it will remain just 'DK'. I was researching names for the book earlier today, and discovered that no one else has a book with that title, but since Klavven is a made-up word, the dictionary suggested this: Klavern. 

Holy hell. Nope! That is a name for a local unit of the Klan.  

So, moving forward. I'm working on finishing DK. My muse is being awfully quiet though. :-(   In this excerpt--the setup: Lily has been saved from the Bulragers by a "Sand" named Theusand. Sands can speak mind to mind. They are still traveling toward Theusand's home world, Tebrig, on the ship Lily was imprisoned on, but she's no longer in the lower level as a prisoner. She and Theusand are visiting a remote world where people are in hiding. Tonight, after dinner, they sit around in candlelight, telling stories and imbibing. 

Others wandered into the large room, hauling their own cushions and small rugs. Candles flickered on shelves carved into the rock, their amber light casting dancing shadows on dark walls and expectant faces. Children snuggled into parent’s laps, their wide eyes searching the group.  From somewhere in the cave system, an animal bleated. 

Elder Spense cleared his throat and began. “Once, our people were free. We roamed our world, near and far, until the dark day when we fell under the shadows of large ships sailing our skies. That is a tale of our now. For the children, first I will tell of our past.

 “Our people...” he looked around at the children before continuing,” Your people, came from the stars spread out as the night sky above. They answered the call to a garden where they would be safe, welcome, and living amongst neighbors they would not fear.

That bit about answering a call to a garden? Sigh... This manuscript was written long before I ever saw a minute of The Expanse series... Just saying. :-) 

That's the snippet. Thank you so much for visiting. This is a WIP so comments are especially appreciated. :-)